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More colored pencil paintings here


Watercolor - We were at Black Butte painting as part of Vistas & Vineyards plein aire painting group. The Ponderosa and Birch trees made for great colors and shapes.

Colored Pencil- Near the same place the watercolor was done, I took some photographs to later do a colored pencil. The people, who were needed to add some color and interest, were from photo I took in Alaska.

Terry Tallis


Terry Tallis


Terry Tallis


Colored Pencil- The log pond at Hilt. From a number of slides I had on Hilt taken in the ’60’s, I was able to piece them together with a little memory to create this painting of logs being dumped into the pond.

Terry Tallis


Terry Tallis


Colored Pencil and watercolor. Lake at Camp Magruder on the Oregon Coast.

Terry Tallis


Colored Pencil - There is a tree (I wonder if it is still there) on the trail neat Shore Acres park in Oregon. This one is just hanging on for dear life as the ground is being eroded out from under it. I took the photograph last year and finished the colored pencil painting several months later. It matches the series of trees I have been working on. (There is no lack of subject matter here in Oregon!)

Terry Tallis


Watercolor - the tracks out of the town of Hilt. Although the tracks are still there, the town no longer exists. See the page on Hilt.

Colored Pencil - a different rendering of the Port Townsend Lighthouse.

Colored Pencil and watercolor - Yaquina Bridge and harbor, Newport Oregon

Watercolor, the largest one I have ever done 48” x 24”

Another oil! Boat house at Camp Magruder, near Rockaway Beach in Oregon.

© Terry Tallis

© Terry Tallis

Watercolor - North Falls at Silver Falls State Park. Received Honorable Mention at 2014 Vistas & Vineyards annual show.

© Terry Tallis

Colored Pencil - collage of scenes from Brookings Harbor -Knots & Buoys

© Terry Tallis

Watercolor & Pen and Ink - Cooper Building in Independence, Oregon

Watercolor and Pen and Ink - Leaping Lamb farms on a rainy day in Oregon.

Watercolor from the back of Thompson’s Mill near Corvallis.

© Terry Tallis

© Terry Tallis

Watercolor - lake at Tillikum - a retreat site we paint at.

© Terry Tallis

Watercolor - the barn at Tillikum